
Private Dining/Meeting Rooms are available year-round. Please email events@harvard.edu for information.
Menus: We welcome the opportunity to create special menus designed to suit the theme of your event, individual tastes, and diets. Menu suggestions are available on our web site. Harvard Faculty Club is the sole provider of food and beverage at the Club and Loeb House.
House Charge: All food and beverage prices are subject to a house charge of 18% and to Massachusetts state and local tax, if applicable. The house charge is not a tip or gratuity for our staff. The house charge is used to defray the expenses of the Harvard Faculty Club. The Harvard Faculty Club has a no tipping policy which our staff is obligated to follow.
Audio/Visual Equipment: The in-house Audio Visual Department will take care of all your A/V needs.
Piano: With sufficient notice, arrangements can be made through the Events office to rent a piano.
Dance Floor: A dance floor is available to rent.
Candles, Smoking and Open Flame: Smoking is not permitted. The City of Cambridge requires a fire marshal be present for events using candles or open flame. All real candles must be encased by glass. Please contact the events office to make arrangements.
Display and Exhibit: All proposed displays are allowed only with the approval of HFC. Materials may not be attached to walls or ceilings. The use of balloons and the throwing of rice, confetti, flower petals, etc. are not permitted.
Media Coverage and Notices: Subject to prior approval. Contact the events office for specific regulations.
Capacity: Capacity limits must be observed. HFC reserves the right to turn away guests if the space is in danger of becoming overcrowded.
Alcohol Consumption: All applicable laws regarding serving and consumption of alcohol must be followed.
Personal Property: The Club does not accept responsibility for items brought into the Club.
Inappropriate Behavior: HFC reserves the right to require a guest to leave the premises if his/her behavior is deemed inappropriate or is perceived to be a threat to safety and well being.
Right to Shut Down Event: HFC reserves the right to shut down an event at any time. This might occur if the renter has misrepresented the event, or if general behavior becomes inappropriate and presents a danger.
Liability: The host is liable for any damage to the premises. The HFC manager will determine damage. All repairs, replacements will be charged in full to the host.
Use-of-Name: [Tenant/Lessee/Licensee] shall not state or imply in any manner that Harvard University or one of its Schools is presenting or sponsoring [the Event]. Accordingly,
[Tenant/Lessee/Licensee] shall not use the name "Harvard" (alone or as part of another name) or any logos, insignia or other words, symbols, images or devices that identify Harvard or any Harvard school, unit, division or affiliate (“Harvard Names”) as part of the name of [the Event] or for any other purpose in connection with [the Event] (except as stated below);
[Tenant/Lessee/Licensee] shall not use any Harvard Names on certificates, diplomas or other awards that may be provided in connection with [the Event];
All materials promoting the Event must include the following statement: “ is not affiliated with Harvard University, nor is a Harvard University program or activity.”; and
[Tenant/Lessee/Licensee] may use an accurate address for [the Event] that includes reference to a location at Harvard, without any text or images that imply Harvard sponsorship of [the Event].
This Use-of-Name provision applies to all print and electronic materials produced by [Tenant/Lessee/Licensee] for [the Event], including web and social media sites.